Hotels Tashkent (Toshkent), Uzbekistan

  Catalogue of enterprises

56, Buyuk Turon str., Tashkent, Uzbekistan 
+998 711205800
website, email, phone
It’s already more than half century the guests of «Tashkent Palace Hotel» please with the high level of provided services, either with the location in the center of the city, which is very convenient both for tourists and businessmen.
The Hotel building is a cultural heritage facility of Uzbekistan.
There are 232 comfortable rooms. Including:
149 D ...»
Abay ko'chasi, Тошкент 

Rakatboshi ko'chasi, Тошкент 
+998 95 146 66 88
website, phone
56 Buyuk Turon Str, Tashkent, Uzbekistan 
+998 71 133 27 35
125, Durmon Yuli Driveway, Tashkent 
+998 71 269 02 20
website, phone
Sultonali Mashxadiy 72 ko'chasi, Tashkent 
+998 71 268 00 05
website, phone
Ulitsa Bobura, 77, Тошкент 
+998 71 147 11 11
website, phone
Buyuk Ipak Yuli Rd, Tashkent, Uzbekistan 
+998 71 129 87 77
+998 711203700
website, phone
Yunusobod district, 2-tor Qorgon, 12, Тошкент 
+998 94 686 20 30
website, phone
1 Sagban ko'chasi, Тошкент 
+998 71 244 04 75
Ул. Мирабад, 27/12, 27/12 Mirobod ko'chasi, Тошкент 
+998 71 231 70 80
website, phone
61A Chinobod Street, Tashkent, Uzbekistan 
+998 71 212 22 01
website, phone
Grand Mir Hotel 2 Kunaeva Street Tashkent, 700031 Uzbekistan 
+998 71 152 78 08
website, phone
2 Kunayev Str. Tashkent 100031 Uzbekistan 
+998 711402000
website, phone
83 Kichik Xalqa Yo'li, Тошкент 
+998 71 148 55 55
website, phone
27, M. Tarobiy street, 700090, Tashkent 
+998 711208877
website, phone
57 Abdulla Kaxxar 6-tor ko'chasi, Тошкент 
+998 71 255 05 99
website, phone
Чиланзар, Ц-квартал, дом 
+998 99 485 22 11
Узбекистан, г.Ташкент, ул.Буюк ипак йўли 115, Тошкент 
+998 71 267 53 95
website, phone