Blackbushe Airport (BBS)

Information about airport - Blackbushe Airport, United Kingdom

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EGLK
Longitude 51.3238983154297
Latitude -0.847500026226044

Cities near Blackbushe Airport, United Kingdom

City, country Distance (km)
London 53.77 km
Brighton 74.17 km
Milton Keynes 79.58 km
Tunbridge Wells 80.19 km

Pictures near Blackbushe Airport, United Kingdom

 Bearwood College in Wokingham, Berkshire, UK...taken on final approach to Heathrow Airport Wokingham Swan Inn with Christmas Lights. Bull Pub & Ball Fountain Jennett's Park: 'Life' 2008 by Lucy Glendinning (b.1964)
Wheat Field, Arborfield Hatchgate Restaurant, Bramshill Blocked Blackwater River Ford, Bramshill Magpie and Parrot, pub and restaurant
Waitrose Head Office Bearwood Lakes, view from Clubhouse SE & CR Railway Footbridge made with reused rails 1886. Snowy Road Farley Hill, view NE
Respect=>Your=>Street The Shoulder of Mutton Bluebells Pillbox, Bramshill: Vickers Medium Machine Gun (MMG) Emplacement.

Pictures of Blackbushe Airport