Harar Meda Airport (QHR)

Information about airport - Harar Meda Airport, Ethiopia

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code HAHM
Longitude 8.7163
Latitude 39.0059

Cities near Harar Meda Airport, Ethiopia

City, country Distance (km)
Addis Ababa 43.29 km

Pictures near Harar Meda Airport, Ethiopia

Bishoftu Guda Lake The direction of the Awash Hora Lake, Debre Zeit Vulcanic Lake Bishoftu Guda Vulcanic Lake Bishoftu
Debre Zeit - Cattle coming to drink Debre Zeit: Kuriftu Resort at crater lake Extinct volcano next to Addis to Lake Shala road, Great African Rift Valley, Ethiopia On the way to Nazret Somewhere between Debre Zeit and Mojo
Volcanic lake near Addis Hidi 2010 Craterlake near Debre Zeyd Green lac of Debre Zeit New By-pass road, from Addis Ababa, under construction as at  - 5th August 2012 - Debre Zeyit Area - This is the side of the new approach to a new bridge to cross over the new Rd
Soil being used for the New By-pass road, from Addis Ababa, under construction as at  - 5th August 2012 - Debre Zeyit Area Debre Zeyit Area Ethiopia

Pictures of Harar Meda Airport
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Ethiopia, Addis Ababa